Saturday, September 20, 2008

Portuguese Bean Soup

Another luau staple... sopa de feijão.

This island comfort food gets its smoky strong pork flavor from
the pork hock stock (hocks being the lower part of the leg) and a goodly dose of portuguese sausage (a little fattier and saltier than normal). The sauce is otherwise tomato based and is fleshed out with some combination of potatoes, beans, carrots, onions and a little cilantro on top.

Being a staple of the home across a wide geographic region of the world (Portugal to Hawai'i) recipes vary widely:

Here's one from the fantastic Tasty Island Blog (Honolulu) which is based on a recipe at the Hawai'ian food blog OnoKineGrindz. I would like to offer a third recipe at that appeared in Bon Appetit in Dec. '92 - it skrimps on the hock stock (calling for shicken stock) and opts for Spanish Chorizo. The chefs seem to hope this smoked sausage will provide enough smoke to the broth...

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